Between Sheets, Manipulation and Naked Truths

When Sex Becomes a Weapon

Mary Carter
4 min readOct 25, 2024


Photo by RDNE Stock project

“Sitting across from me, with teary eyes and hands trembling around her coffee cup, she confides: ‘I can’t take feeling like a fucking machine at his disposal anymore.’”

Sofia — a fictitious name to protect her identity — sought me out on an autumn afternoon after reading several of my articles about sexuality and relationships. As a sexologist and writer, I’m used to hearing intimate confessions, but her story particularly touched me.

“You know when you feel like your body no longer belongs to you?” — she began, as I prepared myself for another one of those life-changing conversations.

I’m sharing this story with you, with her permission, because I believe many women (and men) can identify with it. And because, damn it, it’s about time we talked about this without filters.

The Conversation That Changed Everything

Me: “So tell me, how did all this start?”

Sofia: “We started dating at 16. Everything was so intense… we fucked in any corner, at any time. It was pure desire.” (Smiles nostalgically) “But now… at 25, with a small child… it’s different.”

Me: “What exactly changed?”



Mary Carter
Mary Carter

Written by Mary Carter

I share candid reflections on love, sex, and life's ups and downs, no holds barred and no taboos.

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