Member-only story

Respect Costs Nothing, Why Do You Ignore That?

Being Kind to Someone Takes Nothing from You

Mary Carter
4 min readDec 16, 2024
Photo by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz pexel

Between full baskets and crowded aisles, today I was run over by the harsh reality of our times. A woman, one of those who seem to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, dressed like she had just stepped out of an important meeting, with impeccably styled hair and red gel nails, decided I was invisible enough to be pushed aside in the supermarket line.

The impact wasn’t so much physical as it was spiritual — that moment when you realize that for some people, your mere existence isn’t enough to deserve respect.

There I was, clutching my cart to keep from falling, feeling the cold metal in my hands and my heart beating faster, while she, in a burst of “existential urgency,” ran back to grab something she’d forgotten, leaving a trail of confused looks in her wake.

When she returned? Nothing.

Not a glance of recognition, not a gesture of regret.

As if the right to mistreat others came included with her store loyalty card. Her high heels clicked against the floor in an irritating cadence, marking each step of indifference.

“Ma’am, are you aware of how rude you’re being?”



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