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“Whoopi Is Right: Living Alone Is a Powerful Choice”
“Between a lukewarm relationship and an authentic life, I choose to be myself”
That feeling when someone puts into words something you’ve always felt but never knew how to express?
That’s exactly what happened to me when I heard Whoopi.
Here I am, happy in my relationship, and yet her words about self-knowledge and personal choices resonated deeply with me. It’s not just about being single or not — it’s about self-love, authenticity, and freedom.
“I like hit and run,” she said with that characteristic smile of hers. How liberating! In an era when we’re bombarded with pressure to find “the right person,” here’s a 68-year-old woman, an EGOT winner (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony), saying without shame that she prefers casual encounters to serious relationships.
Why is it so shocking when a woman decides she doesn’t want to share her house, routine, and life with someone?
Whoopi has tried three marriages and came to a brilliant conclusion — she’s happier alone.
It’s not about loneliness, it’s about choice.
Even being in a relationship that makes me happy, Whoopi’s words made me question how many times I’ve felt pressured to act a…