Why Do 74 Million Americans Still Vote Trump?
This is my raw analysis of the Trump phenomenon no filters, no agendas
We’re all trying to understand how, after everything that’s happened, Trump not only maintains but increases his support.
And no, I won’t give you that simplistic explanation that they’re all racists, ignorant, or crazy. The reality is much more complex and uncomfortable than that.
I spent the last few months talking to Trump voters from all walks of life — from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to Michigan rural workers. What I discovered challenged everything I thought I knew. And this is what mainstream media doesn’t want you to understand: support for Trump isn’t irrational — it’s a desperate cry from an America that feels abandoned.
First uncomfortable truth: The economy Biden celebrates so much? For much of America, it doesn’t exist.
While Wall Street hits records, middle-class families struggle with astronomical grocery prices. When Trump asks “Are you better off now than four years ago?”, many people genuinely answer no.
The phenomenon isn’t just economic. There’s a cultural war going on that the progressive elite insists on ignoring. Millions of Americans feel alienated by social changes that are too fast, by “political…